“Long ago, in the distant reaches of Land’s End, an unforeseen rainfall transformed all living things into frenzied undead monstrosities known as the Blighted,” say the creators. “Faced with a calamity far beyond their understanding, the kingdom fell into ruin with no end to the accursed rain in sight.” Ender Lilies begins with one tiny white dress clad young girl named Lily who’s capable of purifying the blighted folks, which you can catch down here in the launch trailer. Along for the ride are all the big baddies that Lily defeats along the way. Those formerly cursed knights all become part of her arsenal. You can catch up there in the trailer during combat how Lily herself doesn’t actually do the fighting. Developers Live Wire and Adglobe say that you’ll collect spirits for melee, ranged, and magical abilities. You can catch some of each up there in the trailer from the giant diving sword strike knight to the one with the big circular area slash. “Mix and match these lost and found souls to create an ethereal bodyguard squad wielding massive clubs, magical bullet hell volleys, and other devastating skills to overcome challenges and traverse a world painted in a Japanese dark fantasy aesthetic,” publishers Binary Haze Interactive say. I don’t have any RPS folk to point you towards who’ve played it, alas. Even during its short stint in early access though, it looks like players on Steam have liked it a good deal. It’s raked in over 3,000 user reviews with an overall “overwhelmingly positive” recommendation rate. For its full launch, Ender Lilies has added five new game areas, new bosses, skills, and more. In previous early access updates the developers have made some handy changes for keyboard and mouse folks like binding mouse buttons in the control settings. You can find Ender Lilies: Quietus Of The Knights over on Steam for £22/€25/$25.